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Answering your questions

  Answering your questions

    Here I tried to answer questions from your search engine requests.

    - What does a vaginal ultrasound show?

    Transvaginal ultrasound has better image resolution and so the quality of ultrasound images because of smaller distance from ultrasound probe to the uterus and ovaries in comparison with transabdominal ultrasound and higher frequency(resolution) probes which can be used because they(high resolution probes) work only at small distance to object of scanning.

    - Liver cirrhosis ultrasound?

    - Sonography of fat necrosis of lower extremity?

    I do not know specific ultrasound signs of this pathological conditions. Ultrasound can reveal something but rare can tell what is it. Such diagnosis should be made by core biopsy under ultrasound targeting.

    - What is anomaly sonography?

    There is a lot of anomaly of human body which can be found at sonography.

    But I think you mean the sonography scanning for pregnancy/fetus anomalies.

    It should be made in first trimester of pregnancy for the abnormal pregnancy termination reason in case of suspected chromosomal anomaly, most frequently Down syndrome(trisomy 21). Of course not only sonography should be made to verify the chromosomal anomaly! Sonography just a screening method of selection for genetic intervention procedures such as amnio- or cordocentesis (PUBS - Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Blood Sampling)!

    - How do i become an ultrasound technician?

    You should graduate at some school of sonography for sonographer(ultrasound technician).

    - Career sonologist?

    You should become a physician (MD) and then graduate at some school of sonography for sonologist.

    - Hypoechoic images ultra sonographic?

    Ultrasound has 3 basic gradation of picture brightness: hyperechogenic(bright), hypoechogenic(slightly dark) and anechogenic(completely dark). It is technical terminology which describes how the object of ultrasound scanning reflect ultrasound waves - more reflection = more brightness. It is just a one criterion of ultrasound image and no ultrasound conclusion can be made by only one criterion.

    - Basic methodology of ultrasonography

    Huge area. You should start from physics of waves.

    - Diagnostic medical sonographer salary?

    I'm russian sonologist and do not know about. Sonologist in Moscow Russia has payment every month about 700-1500 usd. But Moscow is a rich region and in other towns it can be 200-300 usd.

    - When and how many times ultrasonography is needed or secured during pregnancy?

    I do not know any proven restriction for ultrasonography. Of course it is should be made only by medical order!

    - At what week can a scan result show the true sex of a foetus?

    Fetus sex determination by sonography has no medical indication and so should not be made by sonography!

Ultrasound cases - diffuse changes of the thyroid

Ultrasound cases - Asymmetric movement of the myocardium

Ultrasound cases - Single doubled kidney and Mullerian duct cyst in the infant

Ultrasound cases - Appendicolith

Ultrasound cases - Testicular microlithiasis (microcalcification)













Body surface area

Pressure gradient

Gestational age by Ultrasound

Volume (ellipse formula)

Thyroid volume



My questions
