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"Ball" in the abdomen

Tags: Soft tissues sonography, Esaote MyLab 70, Clinical report, Pediatric

  "Ball" in the abdomen

    A 10-year-old child with abdominal pain syndrome was admitted to the emergency department of the Children's City Clinical Hospital, and was urgently sent for an ultrasound scan.

    On ultrasound in the right mesogastrium, multiple enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes are visualized (differential diagnosis: mesadenitis, etc.), next to them a hypoechoic lesion of a rounded shape is visualized, without echo-pattern of the lymph node echogenic hilus, with increased blood flow at CFM and atypical vascular pathways - peripherally diametrically located CFM signals, horseshoe-like (risk of mts 60%), suspicious of neoangiogenesis (differential diagnosis: mts, etc.).

    Consultation of the oncologist was recommended.




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Pressure gradient

Thyroid volume

Pulmonary artery pressure

Body surface area

Resistive index

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