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The lack of devices unification

  The lack of devices unification

    Now I want to talk about the theme of devices unification!

    And this problem is very urgent!

    It's fine if you work in the single room where there is a single ultrasound machine but what if you're not?

    For an example, you are on 24 hour duty in the hospital and in each department there are devices from different manufacturers? Doctors of others specialities will not understand! Device and device, what's the difference, sonologist(sonographer) should be able to work on all devices because they got such skills at some educational course etc ...

    Firstly, no one teaches us (in Russia certainly don't) to work with specific devices!

    Secondly, the amount of devices today is so big, as it with drugs, so it's impossible to know all their modifications!

    So you come, for an example, in intensive care unit, where from you expecting quick answers, as soon as you put the probe on the patient, but you try to vaguely find where in this device the needed options can be turned on ...

    Some devices has an english notation, others mixed - buttons in english, the shell program in other language (in Russia in russian).

    USB connector seems to be there, but to understand whether it's intended to activate the option(for managers only) or even to export the diagnostic data is not possible!

    Moreover, for example, you casually record images in the device, but then it turns out that it was recorded in the temporary memory, and after the change of the patient, without any warning, all data is lost ...

    Conclusion is disappointing, not all of ultrasound devices manufacturers take care of their customers!

    The problem is partly due to the fact that it is an expensive technique and it is not purchased directly by the consumer, sonologist(sonographer), but by the head of the hospital, which is interested mostly in common things(price etc) because it will never keep a probe in its hand.

    Feedback with the manufacturer is also not available in most of cases, you can certainly find their website and write to them about your problems but in response will be nothing or you'll be asked to send them an official request from the head of the hospital and you of course choose to not bother your chief for such a small problems - circle is closed.

    It is very convenient from the point of manufacturer's laziness, not need to do anything, everything is good, and you are breaking your brains about why every time a button or an option located randomly in the left or in the right, some times as a slider, some times as a button or even touch-screen and also can be placed unpredictably. Button "frieze" and trackball found? What more do you want?

    No guys, it's not enough!

    There must be an unification of the dashboard, sonologists (sonographers) should not waste their precious time, which is not measured in money but in the patient's life, to solve your puzzle with the buttons, they should always be in one place and works identical and have the same name!

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Aliasing doppler artifact







Gestational age by Ultrasound

Volume (ellipse formula)

Body surface area

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Body mass index



My questions
