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Cryptorchidism, microlithiasis, bladder lesion

Tags: Scrotum sonography, Soft tissues sonography, Urinary tract sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Cryptorchidism, microlithiasis, bla...

    Child 2 years-old with tetralogy of Fallot after surgery, aimed by the surgeon on the ultrasound of the scrotum (surgeon not found right testicle).

    At US, both testis in the inguinal canals (?) , visualized anteriorly to the bladder, especially the right (abdominal form of cryptorchidism?), in the right testicle visualized hyperechoic microlesions up to 1 mm (microlithiasis). Incidentally I noticed some kind of cyst lesion in the projection of the top wall of the bladder, but when I' d a close look on this lesion it was a hypoechoic, oval shaped lesion up to 5x3 mm with hyperechoic microlesions inside up to 1 mm (?)

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  03:39 29-10-2019

    In the differential diagnosis we can add an urachus cyst, dermoid cyst, an urachus tumor, for example, a mucinous tumor.

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