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Stubbornness and faith in commerce

Tags: Brain sonography(Neurosonography), Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Stubbornness and faith in commerce

    Baby 5 months came for the control Neurosonography, at the first sonography executed at the age of 1 month - Enlargement of subconvexital spaces and lateral ventricles. According to the mother child observed in the commercial medical center.

    At current US subconvexital spaces to 5-6 mm in the right side an / hypoechoic, visualized edge(membrane) which dividing subconvexital space into 2 layers: a surface anechoic without blood flow at CFM to 3 mm thick (subdural hemorrhage? red arrow) and deeper located hypoechoic with blood flow at CFM to 4 mm thick (subarachnoid hemorrhage? white arrow);

    With suspected subdural hemorrhage was recommended emergency consultation of a neurosurgeon but mother of child refused a neurosurgeon consultation/ call of ambulance, instead of it she went to a commercial medical center, where she was told that, and I quote - " All this is not true."

    Unfortunately, some patients naive to believe that commerce doctors more skilled than in budget clinics.

    This is a profound mistake!

    Figure 3, as it seen on MRI -

    external link

    As it seen on ultrasound -

    external link

    As it seen in the sources - there is clearly visible membrane separating subconvexital space - deeper membrane subarachnoid, superficial - subdural.

    But, alas, as someone say, the audacity - the second happiness.

    Misinformed the patient, threw mud the doctor from the budget clinic, that already become a tradition.

    So apparently it' s true that talked about this Russian Minister of Health V. Skvortsova - that' s ugly.

    Really ugly, and most importantly, that ignorance combined with arrogance and even throw mud competent doctors. Unfortunately, if the patient refuses help(in this case, the person responsible for patient) then what we can make with that?!

    In life, everyone makes their choice and carries liability! Including whom to trust and whom not ...

    external link

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  00:15 01-10-2020

    In one of the social networks in the diff. diagnosis was added subdural hygroma.

    In any case, on ultrasound we cannot distinguish these two conditions. Verification will most likely require cytology.

    These conditions are closely related to each other, may have a similar etiology, and in any case require the consultation of a neurosurgeon to determine further tactics. Subdural hygroma may also require neurosurgical surgery.


    external link

    Moreover, the subdural hygroma can become a hematoma -

    "a few SDGs become chronic subdural haematomas, when the necessary conditions persist over several weeks"

    external link

    So, the essence of the problem and the management of such patients from the expansion of diff. diagnosis does not change - an emergency consultation with a neurosurgeon, most likely an MRI, etc.

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