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Cholelithiasis plus 3

Tags: Abdomen sonography, Thyroid gland sonography, GE Vivid 3, Images, Video, Clinical report, Adult

  Cholelithiasis plus 3

    The patient 51 years old came on the ultrasound of the abdomen and thyroid gland.

    On ultrasound in the gallbladder a stone up to 2.5 cm is visualized.

    external link

    At ultrasound imaging of the thyroid gland in the left lobe visualizes an iso-echogenic lesion with a hypoechoic rim onto which the blood flow is projected at CFM, up to 1.2 cm in size (adenoma? Other?); as well as the heterogeneity of the right lobe is noted.

    external link

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Aliasing doppler artifact

Anatomical M-mode










Pulsatility Index

Ejection fraction

Body mass index

Body surface area

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