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Smart alien

Tags: Gastrointestinal sonography, GE Vivid 3, Images, Video, Clinical report, Adult

  Smart alien

    The patient 18 years old without complaints came on the abdomen ultrasound because of the prophylactic medical examination program.

    On ultrasound in the projection of the lumen of the dilated segment of the duodenum, a mobile hyperechoic tubular structure up to 4 mm in diameter (ascaride?) is visualized.

    At the end of the study, I decided to re-examine the zone of interest and to my surprise I did not immediately notice where this structure disappeared (fig. 2), but she decided to lie down along the wall of the intestine (a smart move to merge with the landscape).

:: attachments(3) ::

:: file 1 ::

:: file 2 ::

:: file 3 ::

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Aliasing doppler artifact






Doppler angle



Color M-mode

Body surface area

Teicholz formula ejection fraction

"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction

Resistive index

Gestational age by Ultrasound

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