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Zone of reduced echogenicity in the prostate

Tags: Male genital tract sonography, GE Logiq E, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Zone of reduced echogenicity in the...

    Child 3 months age in the public clinic for routine screening, visually the skin in different parts of the body with a rash.

    On ultrasound, an an- / hypoechoic area up to 10x3x8 mm is visualized along the anterior surface of the prostate gland, without bloodflow at CFM(differential diagnosis: infection, hypertrophy of the fibromuscular stroma, etc.)

    Recommended consultation with an urologist, general urinalysis.





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  23:57 17-06-2022

    "Anterior fibromuscular stroma hypertrophy Axial T2WI, of two different patients that show the normal (red arrow) and hypertrophic (blue arrow) anterior fibromuscular stroma."

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Color M-mode





Area-length (Simpson) formula ejection fraction

Thyroid volume

Teicholz formula ejection fraction

Game: Sonographer certification

Pressure gradient

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