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Neck fistulas

Tags: Soft tissues sonography, Chest sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Neck fistulas

    Child 1 year old with suspected fistula / lateral neck cyst is aimed at ultrasound. Previously, child has already an abscess in the same location, which was drained. At this moment, parents noticed new spots.

    Visually, on the border of the neck and chest (in the area of left clavicle) 2 pink spots.

    At ultrasound of this area visualized 1-2(?) subcutaneous thin up to 2 mm in diameter curved channels - fistulas (branchial cleft fistulas?).

    external link

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Resistive index

Game: Sonographer certification

Ejection fraction

Body mass index

Age / date difference in years and months

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