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Shoulder hemangioma

Tags: Soft tissues sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Shoulder hemangioma

    Child 5 months old with the shoulder lesion, close to the elbow, aimed to ultrasound from surgeon with diagnosis of hemangioma ...

    Visually proximal to elbow there is a slight change in color of the skin looks as birthmark up to 3mm around which there is a visible area of blueness up to 1 cm.

    On US subcutaneously visualized hyperechoic lesion 1,5x0,8 cm with an unclear border tending to the oval shape on CFM(DPD) is richly supplied with blood.

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Teicholz formula ejection fraction

Area-length (Simpson) formula ejection fraction

Game: Sonographer certification

Myocardial mass

"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction

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