| A child 4 years-old with mental retardation, from birth observed with mass looks like polyp on the side of the neck, painless when touching by probe, bendable, aimed to ultrasound before surgery. At US (mass pressed to the neck by probe) the mass is heteroechoic, has 2-layers: hyperechoic outer layer and an/ hypoechoic inner layer, small hypoechoic lesions inside can't be excluded, at CFM/ DPD there is no true evidence of blood flow, size of the mass-body (part of mass which above the level of the body surface) is approximately 2,5x1cm, the hypoechoic leg of the mass up to 3 mm in diameter goes to the subcutaneous fat layer up to the level of muscle and then turns in the direction of the trachea, the further course of the leg can not be traced (dif.diagnosis: teratoma/dermoid, cartilaginous exostosis, etc.). On both sides of the neck there is a few enlarged LN with blood flow at CFM (dif.diagnosis: lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy). external link | |