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Abdominal syndrome & bladder diverticulum

Tags: Abdomen sonography, Urinary tract sonography, Gastrointestinal sonography, Esaote MyLab 70, Medison Sonoace R7, Images, Video, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Abdominal syndrome & bladder divert...

    A child of 8 years old entered in emergency department with suspected appendicitis, previously identified bladder diverticulum.

    In mesogaster visualized lymph nodes more than 5 to 12 mm (mesadenitis?)

    In the right iliac region is rendered tubular structure up to 6.5 mm in diameter, with blood flow at CFM, rigid while probe compression, painful reaction when compression is not obtained (acute appendicitis?).

    In the right iliac region also is visualized with a thickened segment of the bowel, wall to 4mm (enterocolitis?)

    The bladder is filled, right from the bladder visualized anechoic lesion oval shaped size of 1,5x2cm without blood flow at CFM, visually linking with the bladder thru channel to 2 mm in diameter (bladder diverticulum).

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  18:27 20-02-2018
  Another example

    The child of 16 years, came to control "cysts" on female pelvis ultrasound from a gynecologist, last year in the commercial medical center on ultrasound revealed a cyst of the left ovary. According to the words, the document is not provided, recently somewhere another ultrasound was done and the doctor who performed ultrasound said that this is not an ovarian cyst but rather a cyst of the abdominal cavity.

    On the current ultrasound: on the left side surface of the urine bladder(UB) outside is visualized anehogenous lesion up to 3x2x2 cm, at CFM without blood flow, in the lower part from the lesion in the direction of the wall of the UB is a tubular structure up to 5 mm in diameter (diverticulum of UB?).

    After the UB became empty: The lesion is visualized posteriorly from the UB and anterior to the uterus, the size of the lesion without significant dynamics.

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