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Suspicion of gastritis or renal colic

Tags: Gastrointestinal sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Suspicion of gastritis or renal col...

    A child 15 years old with complaints of girdle pain with suspected renal colic or gastritis.

    During talk the patient said that the pain passes after eating.

    At US the stomach wall in pyloric canal area thickened to 7 mm (gastritis?), in the projection of the proximal third of duodenum(duodenal bulb) just beyond the pyloric canal, is visualized hyperechoic linear structure which is superimposed on the duodenum wall, length / diameter of about 2 cm (duodenal bulb ulcer?).

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Color M-mode

Resistive index

Modified Simpson’s Rule formula (3 disks) ejection fraction

Thyroid volume

Body surface area

Heart rate

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