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Venous lacunae

Tags: Brain sonography(Neurosonography), Medison Sonoace R7, Images, Video, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Venous lacunae

    Child 8 months. With suspicion of intracranial hypertension due to the results of brain ultrasound in the private medical center, the protocol of the previous brain ultrasound they didn't bring (apparently decided to check me or them).

    I looked at what the commercial medicare could find fault with.

    On the ultrasound subconvexitally next to the superior sagittal sinus pulsating anechoic structures of the oval / tubular shape are visualized, more at the left, with a thickness up to 2mm, with blood flow at CFM (venous lacunae), Vmax up to 5 cm / sec, the shape of the spectrum by the venous type, flowing into the superior sagittal sinus, Vmax in Galen vein 11cm / s.

    lateral / venous lacunae - on the attached files are indicated by a blue arrow, the white arrow indicates the superior sagittal sinus.


    external link

    external link

    external link

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