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Kidney blockage

Tags: Urinary tract sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Kidney blockage

    Baby 2 month old from the cardiology department aims to control ultrasound with suspected abdominal mass, previously diagnosed the blockage(obstruction) of the right kidney.

    At US kidneys: right 5x3 cm, parenchyma 1.5 cm, left 6,6x3,6 cm (exceeding normal ratio length/ width - 2:1.1 - nephritis?), parenchyma 1.9 cm; corticomedullary differentiation saved. Urinary tract: in the right is not dilated, in the left calyces to 7 mm, pelvis up to 10mm - with hypoechoic content (sludge? pus? etc.?). Right ureter is not visualized, in the left distal part of ureter in the area of bladder inlet visualized hyperechoic irregular shape lesion, size of 3x3x6 mm, without acoustic shadow, without blood flow at CFM (calculus?).

    Right RI 0.7; Left 0.9 (increased)

    The bladder is moderately filled, without features.

    external link

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  14:29 07-10-2018

    Addition: image of urethral valve-stone from video above.

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Color M-mode











Pressure gradient

Teicholz formula ejection fraction


Ejection fraction

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