Children 2 months old, from twin pregnancy. Perinatally suffered an IVH (intraventricular hemorrhage), pneumonia, were in intensive care unit. At one in connection with ventriculomegaly occurred after IVH, has several punctures of the LV (lateral ventricles) and then a VPS (ventriculoperitoneal shunt) was performed, a CT scan revealed a periventricular/connatal cysts (PCs), on NSG (neurosonography) before CT, no cysts were detected (I also did not immediately notice them). At this moment, the transverse size of the LV is up to 15 mm each, in the lower parts of the occipital horns small thrombi are visible. At the second the PCs was identified at the NSG. Both of them currently have PDA (patent ductus arteriosus). The second also has the SEC (subependimal cyst) and a bile clot of the gallbladder. external link |