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Clavicle area mass

Tags: Soft tissues sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Clavicle area mass

    Child 5 years old came to emergency surgical department with a complaint of mass in the medial edge of the left clavicle, aimed to ultrasound.

    From the words of a parent the mass observed from birth, previously had surgical operation, but there is no documentary evidence of this, at this moment mass arises again, clinically suspected blockage of the sebaceous gland (atheroma/sebaceous cyst).

    Visually mass about 1-2 cm in size, red color with small blue spot.

    At grayscale ultrasound mass with unclear contour, echogenic structure, median echo (?). At DPD with bloodflow inside. Near the sterno-clavicular-mastoid muscle at the same side of body the group of enlarged lymph nodes (in the other side non of the lymph nodes was visualized) of different echogenicity (?).

    Consultation of oncologist was recommended.

    external link

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