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Bruising/ hematoma/ rupture of the spleen

Tags: Abdomen sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Bruising/ hematoma/ rupture of the ...

    A child 15 years old with complaints of pain in left flank after the fall of the ramp, can not lie on the back and relax abdominal muscles, with suspected blunt abdominal trauma aims to ultrasound.

    On US the lower third of the spleen diffusely inhomogeneous structure, on CFM with the blood flow.

    When viewed with the linear probe visualized interruption of normal spleen hyperechogenic contour in the area of the heterogeneity (hematoma/ bruise?).

    In hypogastriums to 8 ml of free fluid.

    On CT suspected splenic rupture.

    external link

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Color M-mode




Teicholz formula ejection fraction


Resistive index

Myocardial mass

"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction

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