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Exclude bleeding

Tags: Abdomen sonography, Gastrointestinal sonography, Aloka Alpha 6, Images, Video, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Exclude bleeding

    The child 3 months old (there is no umbilical catheter!) have previously unremarkable abdominal ultrasound but physian from intensivecare unit suspected bleeding because of changes in blood tests and ...

    At the current ultrasound liver diffusely inhomogeneous structure due to hyperechoic, sometimes moving, micro lesions (air in the portal vein/ portal venous gas?).

    In the right iliac region is visualized portion of the intestine with a thickened to 4 mm wall (enterocolitis?).

    In the upper right quadrant of the abdomen visualized portion of the intestine with a hyperechoic micro lesions in the projection of the intestine wall (pneumatosis intestinalis/ intramural bowel gas?).

    After that surgeon palpates the abdomen and excludes all the above ... recommends to make Neurosonography.

    On Neurosonography no signs of IVH is detected, for the interest I' ve placed the probe back to the liver, and the air in the liver almost disappeared, there is some air only in the left branch of the portal vein(did not make images) ...

    external link

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  23:55 02-04-2016

    "Management algorithm for pneumatosis intestinalis and portal venous gas: treatment and outcome of 88 consecutive cases."

    external link

    "PI and PVG were associated with three major clinical subgroups: mechanical causes (n=29), acute mesenteric ischemia (n=29), and benign idiopathic (n=26);"


    "Portal venous gas"

    external link

    "unknown mechanism:

    - pneumatosis intestinalis;

    - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);

    - corticosteroid usage."

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