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Strangulated inguinal hernia

Tags: Abdomen sonography, Gastrointestinal sonography, Female pelvis sonography, Soft tissues sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Strangulated inguinal hernia

    Female newborn with palpable groin mass was addressed to ultrasound with suspected inguinal hernia.

    At ultrasound of groin visualized cystic mass with heterogeneous part around(ovary and intestine) with slightly bloodflow in the hernial sac neck at CFM.

    Diameter of the hernial sac neck much smaller than hernial sac body - strangulation.

    external link

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Ejection fraction

Volume (ellipse formula)

Thyroid volume

Teicholz formula ejection fraction

Volumetric blood flow

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