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Necrotizing Enterocolitis

Tags: Abdomen sonography, Gastrointestinal sonography, GE Logiq E, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Necrotizing Enterocolitis

    A 2-year-old child with complaints of abdominal pain was urgently sent for an ultrasound scan in a public clinic.

    On ultrasound in the right iliac region, the caecum with a wall thickened up to 5 mm and hyperechoic microinclusions in the wall is visualized (differential diagnosis: typhlitis with pneumatosis of the intestinal wall - Pneumatosis intestinalis — gas in the bowel wall / necrotizing enterocolitis, etc.). More than 5 lymph nodes up to 12 mm are visualized in the mesogastrium (differential diagnosis: mesadenitis, etc.). In the right iliac region, a tubular structure up to 3 mm in thickness is visualized (differential diagnosis: normal appendix, etc.)

    An urgent consultation with an infectious disease specialist is recommended.







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Modified Simpson’s Rule formula (3 disks) ejection fraction

Pulmonary artery pressure

Teicholz formula ejection fraction

Body mass index

"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction

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