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Earrings and consequences

Tags: Soft tissues sonography, GE Vivid 3, Images, Video, Clinical report, Adult

  Earrings and consequences

    A 18-year-old patient came to an ultrasound of the earlobe, complaining of a dense lesion that persist for a long time, according to the patient, she sleeps with earrings, once she woke up and found one earring on the floor, but not the entire one, without the lock. At first time she did not keep the attention to this, but then, taking into account the persist lesion in area where it was, she thought that some part of the earring could remain in the ear and went to the doctor.

    On ultrasound, in a projection of a dense lesion which is between two other earrings, a cyst-like lesion is visualized with a hyperechoic linear structure in the center which giving a reverberation shadow after itself (metal / metallic foreign body - "stud" ?)

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:: file 2 ::

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"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction

Estimated fetal weight by Ultrasound

Age / date difference in years and months

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Game: Sonographer certification

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