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Foot pain

Tags: Soft tissues sonography, Esaote MyLab 70, Images, Video, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Foot pain

    The teenager was admitted to the emergency department of the Children's City Clinical Hospital with a clinical suspicion of foot phlebitis, complaints of pain in the middle third of the dorsum of the foot, and was sent for an ultrasound scan of the corresponding area.

    On ultrasound in the projection of the pain area, a round lesion of a heterogeneous structure, predominantly an / hypoechoic with hyperechoic linear structures (differential diagnosis: hygroma / ganglion cyst, a site of altered muscle, etc.), with a pronounced increase in blood flow on the DPD, in spectral Doppler mode presumably venous bloodflow.

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  23:13 02-08-2021

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Anatomical M-mode





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