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Nodular goiter TiRads 3-4

Tags: Thyroid gland sonography, GE Versana, Clinical report, Adult

  Nodular goiter TiRads 3-4

    A 63-year-old female patient was referred for thyroid ultrasound.

    In the right lobe, an an-/hypoechoic lesion up to 3 x 2 mm is visualized, with single blood flow loci on color Doppler imaging (Tirads 3-4). At the border of the left lobe and isthmus, a hypo-/isoechoic node with a hypoechoic rim (or a group of nodes nearby) is visualized, with an uneven, unclear contour, with rich blood flow on color Doppler imaging, up to 8 x 5 x 10 mm in size (Tirads 4).

    Consultation of an endocrinologist and FNA of Tirads 4 node in the isthmus was recomended.






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Heart rate

"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction

Pressure gradient

Pulmonary artery pressure

Resistive index

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