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Bilateral single retractions of the kidney contour

Tags: Urinary tract sonography, GE Logiq E, Clinical report, Pediatric

  Bilateral single retractions of the...

    A 5-year-old child with delayed psychomotor development and a diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis came to the public clinic for a complex ultrasound, including ultrasound of the kidneys, due to previously identified in one of the Research Institute of Pediatrics several small angiomyolipomas, the size of one of them, according to the description, is 9x2 mm, i.e. long, not round, the other was closer in size to a round shape.

    On ultrasound, visualization is difficult, the child is constantly moving, bending, etc. is held on the couch by two attendants, in both kidneys single hyperechoic lesions are visualized according to the type of retraction of the kidney contour (folds, embryonic lobulation, etc.). These hyperechoic structures in some static views resembled rounded hyperechoic lesions in the parenchyma.




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