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Condition after diaphragmatic hernia

Tags: Chest sonography, Abdomen sonography, Gastrointestinal sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Condition after diaphragmatic herni...

    Newborn with left diaphragmatic hernia, after surgery, scheduled for control ultrasound.

    At ultrasound: in the lower third of the left pleural cavity a small amount of free fluid(pleural effusion) around the airless segment of a lung; in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen there is an atypical pattern of the left subdiaphragmatic space - bowel surrounded by the free fluid is visualized above the spleen.

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Ultrasound cases - Pediatric Tirads 5

Scientific - Playlist Chest ultrasound

Ultrasound cases - Kidney cysts

Ultrasound cases - Group of hepatic cysts

Scientific - Playlist Abdominal ultrasound





Color M-mode




Anatomical M-mode



Pulsatility Index

Volume (ellipse formula)

Heart rate

Pulmonary artery pressure

Area-length (Simpson) formula ejection fraction

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