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Accessory thymic lobe

Tags: Thyroid gland sonography, Soft tissues sonography, Images, Video, Clinical report, Esaote MyLab 70, Pediatric

  Accessory thymic lobe

    A child 10 years old was addressed to an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, an accidental finding, below and behind the left lobe of the thyroid gland visualized a little slice of thymic tissue like " tongue" extending from higher placed left lobe of the thymus.

    external link

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  22:37 27-05-2015

    Comprehensive publication about this topic:

    external link

    "Accessory thymic lobe, between left thyroid lobe and normotopic left thymic lobe"

    external link

  01:41 15-07-2015
  another example

    Child 2 years with mental development delay aimed at thyroid ultrasound before consultation of the endocrinologist.

    At US lower left lobe of the thyroid gland there is an intimately lying round lesion with similar to the underlying thymus echostructure, up to 1 cm.

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Color M-mode







Age / date difference in years and months

Volumetric blood flow

Myocardial mass

"Bullet" formula (1 disk) ejection fraction

Teicholz formula ejection fraction

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